Saturday, August 26, 2017

What Really Happened on Saturday, August 12, 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia

     Sometime toward mid-July, Jon Quesenberry woke up from a disturbing dream. "A torch--I can only describe it as 'an angry torch' was coming down on Charlottesville to set it on fire." There was also a date impressed on his mind: August 12.    
     Jon directs the Charlottesville House of Prayer, a small "presence-based community serving Central Virginia, dedicated to day and night worship, prayer and partnership with God to reveal His glory and extend His kingdom on the earth."  
     Over the next days, others in the House of Prayer started getting parallel insights. One sensed the word "lawlessness," another was impressed with a certainty that violence was coming. Then Jon started receiving what he calls a "divine strategy" which he believed God was "downloading" to show the group how to respond to the coming crisis.
     "It was very specific," he remembered in a phone interview with David Kubal, Director of Intercessors for America August 24. The interview was part of a teleconference involving more than one thousand people of prayer across the nation.
     "On August 12, we were supposed to go to a certain part of Emancipation Park at a certain time--10 AM--and leave at 11:30. That morning 11 of us--interracial and intergenerational--were dropped off at the park and walked toward that point, where we could already hear raised voices calling violent, offensive accusations at one another.        
     "When we arrived where God placed us, we were right between the two groups, white supremacists on one side and equally angry protesters on the other. People pressed in tightly from both sides but they gave us a wide berth--even the police.
     "Surrounded, we were afraid. But we formed a circle and started to worship God. We began to sing. At that moment I felt a shift in the atmosphere. In the middle of the anger and mayhem God showed up with peace. The shouting stopped--and stayed stopped for the next hour! There was powerlessness on people's faces. The crowd--all of us--looked pitiful, powerless. The peace--the shock and awe--lasted an hour..."

     Here is Jon's account on the Charlottesville House of God website:

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